Delta THD Series Fans Deliver Efficient High Performance with Low Noise.
Quiet, powerful and efficient, with an innovative bionic blade design, THD fans are the new standard for high-performance DC axial fans. THD series fans optimize cooling for data centers, networking, telecom, servers and cloud storage applications.
The fan blade simulates the curve of an osprey's wing in flight and the new THD series fan reduces fan noise up to 6dB-A. THD fans also come in different sizes, ranging from SQ 60mm to OD 225mm.
THD DC fans profile
The next-generation bionic blade design helps telecom fans meet higher operating points, lower noise, and higher efficiency requirements. The flight of an osprey inspired the THD series fan. The osprey's diving posture when catching prey is swift, quiet, and precise, their wings work similarly to fans. Parameterized processes help engineers apply an osprey's posture and wing structure into the THD fan blade design.
THD bionic blade fans reduce up to 6dB-A of noise versus competitors while maintaining high efficiency. The noise reduction is equivalent to the difference between four fans running simultaneously to the noise of one fan, an impressive margin.
The engineering team applied the THD fan's high-performance heat dissipation solution to a range of Delta products, from telecom servers to heat exchangers and air conditioning — the THD series is one of Delta's top-notch fan solutions.